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Well for Wii to reach 50% Market Share this year it will need to sell a little over 3.9 Million Units More then the 360 and PS3 Combined over Christmas.

Will it happen - Nope I don't think so.

Could it happen - If That 50% more supply then last year is for WW then No it still wont happen. last year the HD's sold 7.7 Million, even with 50% increase the Wii will only sell 10.5 Million.

10.5 - 7.7 = 2.8 Million gain. So they would still be at minium, 1.1 million short of 50%... However I think the HD's will sell more along the lines of 8.5 - 9 million consoles thus leaving a gap of 1.9 - 2.4 Million.

It's me...  no really, it IS me!!!