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darthdevidem01 said:
ZenfoldorVGI said:
shanbcn said:
Since when Braid and Geometry Wars are considered titles? So far 360 didn't have one AAA titles this year and only GeOW2 have any chance left.


I wonder which console this guy supports?

Because we all know the entire quality of a game is based on 0.1 review points, and without them, something bad happens....

Stay on topic bro.


he's right you know.

We had to hear that crap all of last year.....

Dude, look. All I'm saying is, yes, I'm sure people trolled because Uncharted missed 9/10 and the PS3 had no AAAe, but what I'm saying is this:

It's fine to do that with the 360.

But please don't do it in a topic for Fable 2 reviews.

This topic is about Fable 2. Not about the Xbox 360, and certainly not about the PS3.

As for you almost defending this guy(it's obvious you hate to do it), you should just let him be. You know as well as I do that:

A. He might end up eating his words.

B. He's trolling, and doing the exact thing you hated when people did it to you.

C. He doesn't have any kind of legitimate or valid point outside of the fanboy console-war arena.

I mean, ya know. You obviously know. Excusing bad behaviour by pointing to other bad behaviour is just lazy, not to mention wrong. You can barely stomach to defend this guy, so you simply shouldn't.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.