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An RPG requires that you play a role not follow one. There is a distinct, but subtle different between them in regards to the wording. The reference to "role play" in the meaning isn't the "using" of an avatar, but instead the ability to interact with the world as the avatar based on the avatars abilities. This exludes games like Halo, GTA, Mario. You do play a role, but these roles capabilities are defined by player skill(as mentioned above). The meaning of "Role Play" really comes down to level of interaction with the world.

JRPGs and a fair number of WRPGs are not RPGs, but only classify themselves as such because it's easy and has some of the trappings. JRPGS are Cinemamatic Avatar Progressive Tactical Games(CAPTG). As mentnioned they are about emotional manipulation rather than personal immersion. We watch a show more than control the show.

Now of course many WRPG aren't any more RPG than JRPG, but give more of an illusion of an RPG. NWN main story is not an RPG, but is a Freeform APTG. NWN2 does a better job, becuase there is more influence and interaction. KoToR by the same reasoning borders the line. While KoToR 2 just crosses the line to an RPG.(Notice how the part 2s are from Obsidion which have members from Black Isle. BI the RPG division of Interplay. Interplay creating Fallout.)

Fallout, Dagger Fall(haven't played Morrowind or Oblivion), Sea Dogs*, Mount & Blade* are the only WRPG that I could easily classify as RPG. They let the player control the show and how well they control the show depends on the avatar abilities, not raw player skill.

MMORPG. Most aren't. What makes any of them RPG like is the interaction with players. Which is limited to pretending in a strict mechanics world. Most MMORPG are more like NWN a FAPTG. This is because players can't control the show. The interaction is limited to a minimal get and complete quest system.

I apolgize to all RPGs that are RPGs that I haven't mentioned do to lack of playing. I would like to try Mass Effect, but my HDD on my PC is only 40gb.

So JRPGs aren't. Hell though some are damnd fun and entertaining.

*Has a lot of player skill required, but does everything else so well to be an RPG.

Squilliam: On Vgcharts its a commonly accepted practice to twist the bounds of plausibility in order to support your argument or agenda so I think its pretty cool that this gives me the precedent to say whatever I damn well please.