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I don't hate it, I look forward to it. Though I do have to laugh heartily at one thing: sticking to an established formula is what kills most games deader than dead, and here's a game that totally breaks from just about every gaming formula in the book. And how do people respond? Why, the same way they did when somebody did that the LAST time, of course! And the time before that. And the time before that. And the time before that, too.

But surely people still hate those previous games! I mean, who plays Wii Sports? Or The Sims? Or SimCity games? Or Mario games? Pfah, nobody! Right? Oh wait.

I can only conclude that the majority of this ill-directed hate towards Wii Music stems from a crippling fear of change, ironically enough given that it is only when things change that things get interesting again.

Sky Render - Sanity is for the weak.