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Coz Nintendo is so successful that we want them to fail.

Just this once.

On a serious note, I don't think I'll hate Wii Music. I guess there must be some kind of acceptance that Nintendo is broadening its market, something never done before. Well-- almost-- since Sony flirted with this crowd with Singstar and Eye Toy before.

When Nintendo has shifted it's focus, I *did* feel left out. But now I look at the Wii with a different perspective. It's not the same as my previous consoles, where I buy games just for myself. With the Wii, I may not enjoy its games, but I enjoy seeing other people enjoy the Wii. It made gamers out of non-gamers. They don't talk about videogames as some childish things anymore (very ironic).

That itself is value.

Bring on Wii Music!

Proud member of the Sonic Support Squad.