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Let me start by saying that I have no interest in buying the game but I don't feel the need to rip it and I certainly don't hate it. Some of the comments on this board seem ridiculous concerning this game. Why is just not buying this game enough, why constantly state how much you think this game is garbage? There have been many horrible games where the developer obviously didn't try and produced a God awful game but many of those didn't even get mentioned. Wii Music, it seems that Nintendo put in some reasonable effort to make a fun game. Although I do hear the sound quality isn't so great which is a big negative for a music game.

I think the issue is that this game seems to define the feeling that Nintendo is catering to casual fans over the hardcore and so many gamers have used this game as their scape goat. I also have heard from some that it has to do with this being Nintendo's main showing at E3 and it left a lot of Nintendo fans disappointed like myself. Still, I don't see the reason to hate this game.

So if people can explain their reasons seriously, realistically and most importantly honestly why they hate this game, I'd love to hear it.

I'll come up with something better eventually...