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Well, given that most predictions were done at the start of the year, the price cut had given the PS3 a lot of momentum, and from memory almost everyone that predicted the 23-24 million range was expecting another price cut before christmas, you can't really have a go at people for predicting high, given the change in circumstances.

Sure people could now change their YTD predictions for 08, but that takes all the challenge and fun out of it. The whole point is to make a fairly far out prediction and see how close you get, not keep changing your predictions so come the end of year you are dead on.

Wii selling 40 mil was fairly standard, though the guys who predicted less probably didn't anticipate how much Nintendo would increase production. At the end of the day you can cherry pick a lot of predictions to build a false picture. I'll cherry pick Rolstoppables prediction that the PS3 would sell no more 10 million by the production ends.

Is that cherry pick unfair? Of course, PS3 was at its height of game failures and sales were rivalling laserdisc for 'consumer electronics greatest failure". People were getting excited over the Ratatiole game, it was that desperate. But it would be unfair to ask all nintendo fans 'WTF do you realy think its going to only sell 6-7 million copies by the end of the generation!! GET REAL PEOPLE'.