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Forza 1 was better then GT4 in my opinion since it had better graphics, the driving felt great (no complaints just like with GT4) and it had far more options (less cars, but then again GT has lots of cars that repeat themselves. i.i 30 Supra's. 30 Skylines etc).

It had car damage, fully customizable stickers and the option to have a custom sound track. Forza 2 came out a few years after with improved graphics, more cars, better damage and better customization - Gt came out with nothing.

It games like Forza can be made with such great quality then I don't see why GT games take half a decade to make. The graphics maybe better, but by how much? By the time GT5 is released, there will probably be a a new Forza with possibly very similar if not same graphics. How will Polyphony Digital feel then?

The same goes for the likes of Square Enix. They take so long making a long awaited sequel, but other IPs and Devs are out there pushing out quality games quicker then them and with every release they make, they take a slice away from games that take long to make such as GT5 and FF series.

To give an example: If you wait 5 years, you can marry Angelina Jolie, but if you wait 2/3 years less, you can have Eva Longhoria. Both women are beautiful and work the same magic on you. The differences are there but very small ones and many people will be content with what they have to bother to make a change since Ms Jolie decided to keep us all waiting until our hair turned grey.

IMo some people may feel this way and as a result GT5 may not do as well as it could have.