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HappySqurriel said:
kowenicki said:
On those figs, MGS4 possibly... the rest no chance.


I'm not too sure about Metal Gear Solid 4 myself ...

A large portion of their "Sales" would have come from bundles where it is unlikely that Konami made as much money as they would from a retail sale. On top of that, Metal Gear Solid 4 also had one of the larger marketing campaigns which would have added a large cost on top of the massive development budget.

I might be wrong, but wouldn't Sony have lost their side of the cut of bundled MGS4 games rather than Konami, because its Sony that benefits from the bundling, not Konami. I mean its not like people think 'Ah see I'm not sure if $89 is worth it for MGS4, but oh look I can spend $749 for MGS4 AND a ps3, now thats much better value'.

Secondly you say a large portion of their sales are bundled, but given that it sold 3.31 million thus far since June, and Sony has sold 2.7 million ps3's, and the awesome 80GB bundle was not on sale in Others, where the bulk of MGS4 sales were, I think saying a 'large portion' is probably stretching the truth a little. Even with the awesome 80gb bundle in the US, NPD showed first money individual game sales outsold the bundle over 3:1. Otherwise you are saying that no ps3 owners in Japan or America who owned a Ps3 beforehand has bought MSG4. Unless their was some bundle where you got a PS3 and two MGS4 games..

 As to whether it made a profit, I'd say yes even given its large budget. Konami said it had sold 3.97 million in August, and although that was to retailer, its the retailers that buy the game off Konami, so as far as Konami are concerned they are looking at over 4 million sales already.


As for other games;

Infinite undiscovery - No

 Ace Combat - Probably break even

 Tales of Vesperia - Probably not, maybe near break even

Eternal Sonata - See above

Beautiful Katamari - see above

Haze - No (remember it has been in development for a loooong time, which costs a lot)

 Blue Dragon - Break even

Time crisis 4 -  small profit

Too human - BIG no