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I'd have to question the role of said RAM these days. In the N64 days it was used for 'hi-res' in Perfect Dark and Turok and i can't remember whether it was compulsory or not for Majora's Mask for textures or some such. Either way in those days it was generally used for either a resolution boost or theoretically for a frame boost. Frame rate was a big issue in that generation and plenty of games played in the hi teens and low 20's.

These days however all games are pretty much expected to play at 30 locked or 60 right out of the box. If the RAM was included to allow 1080p for all games for example, you are risking sending mixed messages to the consumer. Sony for example saying the PS3 was a 1080p system and later releasing a RAM upgrade to allow 1080p in all games.

Apologies, this post was more organised in my head and no time to rewrite.