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Beja-Beja said:

Title                             Sales

MGS4                           3.31m

Infinite Undiscovery     .26m

Ace Combat 6           .53m

Tales Of Vesperia    .24m

Eternal Sonata (360)    .28m

Beautiful Katamari     .32m

Haze                          .42m

Blue Dragon              .51m

Time Crisis 4            .44m

Just curious?

MGS4 - Yes, but not enough. MGS is a flagship title that most likely helped subsidize lesser-selling series. However, since MGS4 hasn't sold that well (after it's first awesome shipment), Konami hasn't seen the profits they'd of prefered.

Ace Combat 6 - Yes. VGC isn't including PAL sales data, which is most likely in the 200,000-300,000 range.

Infinite Undiscovery - Possibly. It really depends on shipment data to NA/PAL, since the copies were sold to retailers. The engine, it seems has been re-used in Star Ocean 4, which may have reduced overall costs to bring the game to market.

Tales of Vesperia - No. It hasn't shipped in PAL yet, which should tip the scales in it's favor. Also, it continues to do very well in Japan (top 20 for 2 months). I think that once MC/Famitsu data comes out for the fully 2008 report...We'll see ToV jump up on VGC's sell-through data.

Eternal Sonata - Doubtful. But it's in the same class as IU due to the engine similarity with Tales of Vesperia. This may have reduced its cost to where it wasn't too bad. Nevertheless, I don't think it made a profit.

Beautiful Katamari - Yes. Have you seen the graphics on the game? It was a budget title, and did rather well in the USA. Since it's PS2-quality, I think the dev costs were incredibly low.

Haze - No. I just don't see 400k being enough.

Blue Dragon - No. Not at 500k. I really dispute VGC's sellthrough data of Blue Dragon since PAL numbers seem very shoddy - any survey of PAL and Asiatic gamercards for Blue Dragon show that sellthrough was MUCH higher than the paltry 60,000 VGC reports. I would argue that sellthrough is closer to 600,000 or more, which would put it in category where it may have reached profitability.

Time Crisis 4 - Maybe. I tend to think that next-gen games need 500,000 (as per multiple devs) to look at profitability. Too close to call with certainty.


Back from the dead, I'm afraid.