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fooflexible said: Let's not forget that if it's been out for the 360 for a while it's probably cheaper. For example I can get RR 6 for 15 bucks brand new. And RR 7 you'll have to fork over 59.99 for. Even used you'll be paying more then 40 bucks. So even with a little added graphics it's not really worth buying the ps3 versions. Honestly these graphic comparisons are hardly worth anything I can find another site that swears the X360 version of RR looks better. When it's as close as it is the only real difference is a gaming coming out much earlier, a game being cheaper, or a game having some sort of significant content difference. For example what Soul Calibur did with extra charachters I couldn't pass up having Link on the Gamecube version.
1st) The CAPS! 2nd) TEH POWER OF CELL!!! OMGZ0r!!!!!!!!! 3rd) The hate versus X-Box360 and his continual emphasis on saying that 360 is dead and comparing PS3 Japan sales VS. X360 Japan sales when everybody knows that X-Box is a non-factor in Japan. Aren't these enough already??