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Why don't I have a Gold LIVE account right now? Simple.

It is a ripoff. No matter what anyone tells me, the service is a waste of my money. Why pay $50 a year ONLY for online play when even my Wii... hell, even my PS2 gave me the same damn thing. B-A-S-I-C O-N-L-I-N-E P-L-A-Y.
My PC has been giving me that for hmmm... I can go way back, before LIVE and find games I could play online for free. I used to do DeathMatches on Doom II and Quake.

Cross game invite, voice chat, blah blah blah. Not worth that price.

Why pay for all these things that PSN is giving me free of charge?

Free > Pay to Play in my opinion. Specially when the free server gives you dedicated servers and the pay to play mainly runs on P2P. You figure it would be the opposite right?

Also even though many would say this is a bad excuse, it is a great excuse in my opinion. I HATE running damn wires around my room. There is no problem with Wireless. I run UT3, etc... no problems what so ever.

iPhone = Great gaming device. Don't agree? Who cares, because you're wrong.

Currently playing:

Final Fantasy VI (iOS), Final Fantasy: Record Keeper (iOS) & Dragon Quest V (iOS)     


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