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arsenal009 said:
Falcon095 said:
Galaki said:
Neither appeals to me.

I still don't understand why the hate for Wii Music, though.


 Could anybody answer this please? I'm in the same situation.


Probably LBP is a better game, but Wii Music will sell more.


I think it's cause they're scared.  Games in the wii series get great sales and are system sellers.  So many ppl are now buy a wii cause of these games that sony won't be leading console this gen.  The effects of this is that they will lose exclusives to other systems, just look at tenchu 4 / fatal frame 4 / monster hunter 3.

I think fear is in part, a cause for the hate.

The fear that this new wave of casual games that sell so well could usurp the old style traditional games, that the new wave of casual titles will force the 'hardcore games' to eventually dissapear. Some gamers may possibly be looking at these Wii titles as the beginning of an end to gaming as they know and love.

That's going a bit too far, but perhaps the thought has crossed their mind.

I think the hate also stems from the fact that the game, to a large number of gamers, looks absolutely atrocious.

It's like when you see a B-rated Disney movie advertised on TV, you don't like the look of it, the characters look like cheap rip-offs of other animated movies and the jokes are completely lame, but you know that regardless of it's evident flaws it will be a commercial success.


Which leads on to the point of effort vs reward. Gamers are looking at the title wondering if Nintendo are really putting any serious effort into it, and are the sales of the title justified?

I'm not saying I hold any of the above views, but I think it's easy enough to spot where the Wii Music hate is coming from.


@Arsenal009- Tenchu was on the PS2/Xbox/360 it's also going to the DS and PSP. I'm not sure If you could really list that as a lost 'exclusive'.