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Soriku said:
outlawauron said:
trestres said:
@outlawauron: Yes, it's funny because PS3 games have had 10x the budget of Wii games and have most been sequels to the most popular core franchises in Japan, while the Wii got ports/remakes/spin-offs/shovelware/New IPs.

Aren't you hasting a bit while making a blanket statement like that? It would be better to judge Wii vs other consoles when games actually start to arrive, not while Wii gets the scraps. Blame it on 3rd parties for putting their main franchises on other consoles, Wii has nothing to do with this.

But that's a common statement that is being used by haters that are desperate to find anything positive about their consoles of choice, when they see that they sell terribly bad and there's nothing that could happen to save them.

trestres, it's almost been two years! Regardless of your 10x numbers which is pulled completely out of nowhere. Yes, budgets on HD consoles are far more than Wii games, but we are not talking profiting from games but the sales.

@ Soriku

If ANY game sells 14k, its a bomb. Sky Crawlers did not do well at all, of course retailers didn't help as they only ordered 14k. I doubt Namco will be happy they made a Wii exclusive game to only have sold 8 or 9k in its first week.


Yeah, maybe to you. But if it sold 100% sell through then it would've exceeded Namco's they won't drop support. If you want to compare sales use ToS: DotNW not SC (a much more niche game). ToV sold 240k in Japan AND the US but ToS: DotNW sold 240k in Japan ONLY and the NA release is next month. I guess since ToS: DotNW outsold ToV they should continue supporting the Wii with games and not the HD consoles lolololol. And since ToS: DotNW outsold Disgaea 3 and Valkyria Chronicles NIS should drop the PS3 and Sega should develop those types of games for the Wii only. SC will sell 40-50% of its shipment by the end of the week, meeting Namco's expectations (which is what matters anyway). And the fact SC looked like such a high quality game, but the shipment wasn't so large proves Namco has a lot of faith in the Wii. Do you want me to pull out a list of HD games that bombed? You have no idea what you're talking.

Cherry picking, cherry picking.

I expected a better response from you yet we get a desperate response. Sad.

Woah now. I said nothing about anyone dropping support of any platform or that other crap you're spewing. There is a large difference for a game to sell 10k to a game that sold 150k. Over 100k is at least respectable.

I don't see how the bolded part is relevant to the conversation at all. You assume far too much. I didn't mention once where I said that Namco (or any company) should drop Wii support. They'd be stupid to. It's good to spread games across all platforms.

Bolded part 2: Do you have any proof that Namco is happy with selling less than 10k in the opening week of one of their exclusive games? I'd like to know, because I don't anyone is happy with that. 

Bolded 3: No. I'll do it for you.

Folklore, Spectral Force 3, Mist of Chaos, Mobile Suit Gundam: Operation Troy, Battle Fantasia. I could on. Games have sold poorly on every platforms.


One last time. Where is my post did I say anyone lacked faith or trust in the Wii because I must have missed it. You must have caught because that's all you talk about for 75% of your post.


@ trestres

I didn't even know there was a Sky Crawlers movie. That might be a reason for the lack of interest, but regardless, it didn''t do so hot.

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