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Paul_Warren said:

Words of Wisdom, FFXIII is going to be much better in real time play than that first picture of FFVIII that you show. As a matter of fact, the in game graphics in FFXIII might even be better than the cutscene that you show in your second picture. About the only thing your first picture proves is that the PS1 was capable of better graphics than the N64 and that if you want to see those types of graphics be as good as they can be 9 years after those, then you need a PS3.

No, you need a PC. PS3's are for those too poor to buy gaming PC's just like Wii's are for those too poor to buy PS3's .

I really don't understand PS3 graphic whores. If you are gonna be a graphic whore the only viable choice outside of a console's launch year is a PC, if games are more than graphics then the choice of games is what matters and what hardware they run on is less important.

And if you want FFXIII (or other game) to be as good as it can be you should be petitioning Square-Enix to release a PC version (after all it is being developed on PC's so the PS3 version is just as much a port as the 360 version is).

"I do not suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it"