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puffy said:
SmokedHostage said:
MaxwellGT2000 said:
Well it's also Nintendo's business plan they want to appeal to everyone, if you appeal to the "kiddie" crowd you actually appeal to the young and the old crowd, if you're "mature" you generally appeal to the preteen to 28 year old, but the "kiddie" games are actually a lot more grown up and mature then the M rated games as most M rated games are made to appeal to the immature people that play video games.

The thing that MS and Sony don't seem to realize is appealing to the "mature" crowd means that these people eventually grow up, have families, and put down their controllers for good, so that means no more money from that customer, Nintendo appeals to the old and young crowds which means they have a constant flow of customers.

If you don't bring young people into a business market that market eventually crashes, a lot like how the comic book market crashed in the 90s cause all of its comics appealed to the "mature" crowd it never tried to appeal to the younger people and therefore never brought new blood into the market and the "mature" fans eventually grew up and stopped buying comic books, what happened then? The comic book industry almost died, so appealing to a "mature" crowd may please your general audience but they won't always be your general audience and you've got to get the young people into the market to survive as a business.


No, while that wasn't as clear as it could have been, the main point he was trying to make is fairly spot on



I do watch overthinker a bit, and I've seen that video, but it's also common business sense, you're dealing with a genre of entertainment that does have large appeal but for the most part it's a lot of the same comic book fans I mean gaming still has a bit of stereotype for nerds and kids just like comic books and the only way for a genre like that to survive is to bring in new blood into the market, otherwise they get old, they get bored, they leave, you're broke.  And unlike comic books BILLIONS are spent on games, development and purchasing games alike you can't spend billions if you don't make those billions.  So a charach for the game market now would put companies under for good unlike Marvel and DC where the crash nearly killed them but they were able to survive long enough to build their base back up.  Which now they're making comic books but they're making a killing off of movies of those comic book stories, and it's almost like the movies are their big sellers so they go out and promote those like crazy and the movies support making the comic books that keep the core comic book fanbase happy.

MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"

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