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you guys are missing the boat, again. on this subject.

Let me c + p a post off

Re: Who Owns Your Little Big Planet Creations? (Hint: probably
Submitted by E. Zachary Knight - October 18, 2008 at 3:57 pm -0500


You may have the opportunity to post, stream or transmit pictures, photographs, game-related materials, music, home video content or other information through PSN to share with the PSN community (“User Material”). We may provide you with content to use in the creation of User Material. User Material created by you will belong to you, although any content provided by us will still belong to us and/or our licensors as explained in Section 7 above.

You authorise us, our affiliated companies and other PSN users, to use, distribute, copy, modify, display, and publish your User Material throughout PSN and other associated services. You also authorise us and our affiliated companies, without payment to you, to license, sell and otherwise commercially exploit your User Material (for example, selling subscriptions to access User Material and/or receiving advertising revenue related to User Material), and to use your User Material in the promotion of PlayStation products and services. You must not commercially exploit User Material without our consent. You waive any moral rights you may have in your User Material. By posting, streaming or transmitting User Material you represent and warrant that you have all rights necessary to use, post, stream and transmit such User Material and to grant the rights set out in this paragraph.

Alright, this makes no sense at all. I highlighted a few points here. First they say that the user creating the content owns it. Then they say that they have all rights to sell use or "commercially exploit" your stuff without your approval. Then they say that you cannot "commercially exploit" your own work without their permission. Finally, they say that you can only send stuff over their service if you own it.

They sure have a funny definition of ownership.

Just by this section alone, I will never be buying a PS3 or LBP. Thanks for solidifying that decision for me Sony.

This reminds me of the Google Chrome situation from before, where Google claimed ownership of everything that was sent or displayed throught their browser.

E. Zachary Knight
Oklahoma City Chapter of the ECA
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Re: Who Owns Your Little Big Planet Creations? (Hint: probably
Submitted by Spartan - October 18, 2008 at 5:04 pm -0500

It makes perfect sense. They are saying you "own" your creation but that you can gain nothing from it except bragging rights and that you give them total rights to use/control and to profit from it without any compensation going to you. Your ownership is in name only per say. Think of it as a license within a license. Seems to me should a one sided situation without any good faith negotiation simply would not hold up in court.


so basically Sony is just looking to use LBP content in a similar fashion as they are with echochrome's. It is jsut a bit more advanced since LBP is more advanced.

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