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cleveland124 said:
Grampy said:
I had always assumed that this game was aimed at children which is fine by me. A lot of children play video games so for a critic to dismiss a game with "there's nothing here for an adult/serious gamer" is a perfectly reasonable and even useful comment for a reviewer to make but I don't see why it should affect the score adversely. There is very little for a (normal) adult in a doll baby but they have been very popular for a few centuries - speaking of legs!

However, as I said, assuming that it was a children's game I had no interest in getting it but the IGN review actually made it sound rather fun to me and I may just treat myself for Xmas.

And just for the record, making a game failure proof at its lowest level is an excellent idea since it allows even the very young to have fun instead of being merely frustrated.

He may have started out to write a damning review but for me, he just wrote a pretty damn good ad.

I agree with most of your post.  It's a childs game and probably a very good child game.  Also, it is most important to read reviews.  Their are games that get 9+ that I wouldn't touch and games that are 5-7 that I enjoyed greatly and bought the game from reading the review. 

The problem is that Nintendo won the casuals to the Wii with very good adult casual games such as Wii Sports, Wii Fit, and Wii Play.  If casuals buy this game thinking it will give them enjoyment they may feel snakebit and leave the market.  Casuals will not read internet reviews.  They are going to see the game in the stores and think I love the Wii XXX game and buy it.  I.E.  I have a co-worker, never into gaming before.  Bought a Wii, Wii Fit and of course the included Wii Sports.  Then she bought Beach Sports.  Now everyone on this site should know that that game is a universally bad game because we look up reviews on the internet.  But she didn't and she purchased it.  She was upset that she wasted $29.99 on the game and her attitude is now that she is fine with Wii Sports and Wii Fit.  Games like this have the possibility of contracting a fragile expanded market. 

Also, IGN and Matt Casamassina are not foolproof but one of the better reviewers out there.  Here is an article talking about him being excited about Wii Fit (Health) and Wii Music when they were announced and only brief clips have been shown.

He initially was very bullish about this game as was I.  However, during the past several months he has most likely played the game extensively, talked with developers of the game, and say several of the features before the article.  That's his job.  He doesn't always write up articles about these things.  Maybe it's just a ten minute convo with a developer talking about the modes that got cut and he doesn't have enough for his article, maybe it's a 15 second clip that a developer sent him that he can't link on IGN, maybe it's a game play session that he had where he had to sign a NDA to take part in.  Either way he soured somewhere along the way and the final game didn't compensate enough for it.  I soured on the game at E3 and although the game looks better than it was at E3, it is not enough for me to reverse course and buy the game.  I'm not going to go through the history of blogs/articles from Matt at IGN, but I remember him souring on the game at E3 as well.

Actually I agree about IGN as having probably the best reviews out there. I've done some basic statistical studies of Metacritic scores ranking various review publication as to how they ranked by platform vs. the average of games reviewed by 30 or more sources. I saw nothing wrong with a publication being consistently higher or lower than the average as long as they were the same on all platforms. Some folks are just tougher graders than others.

If a publication was consistently high on one platform and consistently low on another then I considered them biased. I was very impressed that IGN was the publication nearest the median on all platforms. So I rate them as fair and evenhanded.

For the record the absolute worse is Game Informer which is almost always right at the top for every Xbox 360 game, even more than the official fanboy magazines, and always at the very bottom of everything on the Wii. They are so blatant that their official Wii and DS newsletter is filled with backhanded compliments and subtle slams.

So I don't believe the review was deliberately biased although I do feel that he greatly underestimated its potential for children and perhaps had a too narrow focus for some adults. I have been a serious musician and very much enjoyed playing impromptu Dixieland. But I never expect to make serious music on any video game any more than I buy that crap that GTA is great literature. To make serious music I use real instruments just as for great story telling I look to the library (the public not my game).

On the other hand I have had some great times getting together and playing kazoos, kite string banjoes, homemade steel drums and even wax paper combs. Nothing came out of those sessions that threatened to break into the top forty but that wasn't the point was it? One thing we never had was anything like the number of different instruments that Wii Music provides, even on the unforgettable night that Ralph played 1st chair whoopee cushion. And yes some alcohol was involved.

So perhaps if you think of Wii Music less in terms of real music and think of it in terms of juice harps and baby rattle marimbas; and you still don't mind occasional pointless fun and making a fool of yourself, it actually is beginning to rather appeal to me. If you take yourself terribly seriously, if you never mooned a passing car, if you think every video game has to have some type of competition, then yes, you'd better give it a pass.