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Garcian Smith said:
Torillian said:
So then do you think that the only people that should buy the game are those who are musicians? Because if I had to guess, at least some of the people that end up buying it won't happen to be musicians, and then wouldn't they represent the people that should read IGN's review?

If Nintendo made a game only fun to Musical theory majors then yay for them, that's their prerogative, but I see no issue with having non musicians rating it unless the box warns people that unless they are musicians they should not buy the game.


Buying != reviewing. You can buy, read, and even enjoy, say, Joyce's Finnegan's Wake, but if you had someone who's not well-versed in post-modern literary analysis review it, how valuable do you think their review would be?

but will that Post-modern literary analysis tell any random person how much they'll enjoy reading the book or just other people well-versed in post-modern literary analysis?  Because that is the basis of Video Game reviewing is trying to help people get a handle on how much they'll enjoy it and whether it is worth their purchase.  And for that end, I see no issue with someone reviewing the game that isn't well-versed in music theory, because not every customer will be.  And if your prior knowledge of music is a factor in how much you enjoy the game and how easy it is to get into then potential buyers should be told as such.

