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hatmoza 2.0 said:

1- were mods once upon a time regular users?

2- do mods need to be online a certain amount of hours a day ? or maybe they have a shift ?

3- what seperates a mod from a user ? ban immunity?

4- do mods need to have a certain amount of bans at the end of the month just like a cellular phone employee needs a certain amount activations as not to lose his/her job , or a cop needs to issue a certain amount of tickets? etc. if so is that why (with all do respect to the mods ) see alot of pointless bans?

5-do they get paid ? if not ....i feel sorry for you guys.

6- when is it ok to lock a thread ? cause sometimes i wonder .

7-is it just me or do you (the user) realize a balance in the mods ? although they dont admit it u can tell the sony fans from wii and from 360 supporters. which is a pretty cool balance.

8- is it true they can read your mind ? ...............ITS A JOKE

9- ( you had to see this coming ) do they abuse there power ...if so is it necessary or justified at times?

Please lets keep this a civilized and a hate free disscusion  , and i would be most happy if the mods themselves would give theyre word on this please , im pretty sure i didnt violate the thread rules , but just in case please dont lock this thread!


1) Yes

2) No, No

3) mod powers, we don't have ban immunity (ask Ben)

4) no

5) no

6) violation of forum rules, when it gets out of hand, etc...

7) most of us have a console we prefer but that isn't really part of the selection process. We were selected, in part, because we are able (at least to a reasonable degree) to look past our biases when applying our moderation powers.  We are regular users in all instances except when handling a problem/issue as a moderator.

8) yes and no, yes we know how many of you think because we see the same crap over and over again, no we didn't see you dress up like Britney Spears and dance around in your bedroom last night...or did we?

9) We are human, but I can't think of any instance where a moderator has overtly abused power in a way that it was clear that it was abuse.  Some calls are questionable and if "The Boss" doesn't like how we've decided a situation he will let us know.


To Each Man, Responsibility