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I'm sorry but it's not difficult to use better quality midi. The Wii music one sound exactly like my fifteen year old Yamaha keyboard. And if they didn't have the space for high quality midi files, which I doubt, they could have easily cut down the number of useless "instruments".

Godot said:

Actually, I can't deny it. Midi is a great thing to use. You can't not use it for that kind of game (or for the GH:WT music creation mode). The thing is that midi is just a way to describe notes (the pitch, velocity, length, etc.). What makes the difference is the samples you use. Basically, you need to use 88 samples for each of the 60 instruments (it's less than that because most instruments have lower ranges). At 500k per sample (that's a rather good quality), you can get 2,5 Gig of samples. My Roland Fantom G keyboard has over 2000 instruments and use far less than 2,5 Gig. The quality is great. Much better than that of Nintendo.

I feel that they must have produced their own samples or bought some cheap ones instead of paying a renowned company such as Yamaha or Roland to cut costs. That's a shame really. :(


I think you're spot on. As always Nintendo's using old and cheap technology to assure a maximum of revenue.