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Phendrana said:

Great, I was waiting for a response like this. Thanks, WoW.

I wouldn't care if he gave it a bad review if he hadn't been putting the game down for months. He said he was going to give it a 3 well before he even had the chance to play it. He said he can't wait for it to arrive at the office so he can trash it. He posted a video purposely ruining songs to make the game look bad (or he's just really bad at it). He's been talking negatively about it every time it's brought up. Please tell me how I'm supposed to believe he went into this review with a neutral opinion?

I have to assume that at one point in his life that he had never played Wii Music.  At that point he was neutral to it.  His review is a collection of everything he's seen, heard, and played of it so far.

Besides you act like IGN is one person.  As though no review is ever peer reviewed or proofread before it's posted.  I'd like to think that it wouldn't make the website unless at least 3 eyes said it was A-Okay.