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megaman79 said:
Haven't played it but seriously would not buy a PS3 for this especially now im hearing actual user opinions. MGS4 another story

Why do these professional reviewers not give reviews with honest opinion? Why the 6.1 user av. verses 9.5 for prof. on Metacritic.


doesn't it strike you as suspicious that a game that isn't even out yet has 1800+ "user reviews" yet other games like mario galaxy, twilight princess and gears of war have well under 1000 "user reviews" despite actually being out for 1-2 years?

infact, if you scroll to the bottom of LBP's metacritic page, a staff member from says something about it.

"Marc Doyle, Games Editor: My advice for our faithful users is to focus your attention on the Metascore for this game and not the thousands of user votes, most of which have been submitted before said users have played the game. This is a gaming community, and if people want to stuff the ballot box, there's not much I can do at this point. When we upgrade the registration requirements for participation on the site in the near future, this type of thing won't happen. We'll post the full legitimate user reviews upon the game's release. As always, thanks for using the site."

does that explain the difference in scores well enough?

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