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rocketpig said:
Madskillz, that picture is just as ignorant as the Obama picture.

Unless you honestly believe that the Bush administration were the ones telling people to go to the Superdome. That was Nagan and Blanco... DEMOCRATS. Bush helped fuck up the situation after the fact but it's local government responsibility to set up those shelters, not the Feds.

Rocket, going to the Superdome was never the problem. The problem was - no aid for a week. I've been to the Superdome. It's a fallout shelter in times of a nuclear strike. The problem is with Bush and Cheney's perception of the incident. It was purely political and a shame. From a black man's perspective, it just reinforces the view that the GOP doesn't care about Afro Americans. From a white man's view, it was just a couple minor mistakes.

I got nailed by Ike. Because of my income, I was able to evacuate, get my spring water and didimow. However, some folks here weren't able to go and once again, the Feds screwed aid up big time - only this time, National Guardsman and Army Reservists were running around neighborhoods, asking folks for food and ice because THEY RAN OUT.

Are you a minority, Pig? If you aren't, then I would doubt you would ever see this from a black man's perspective, nor understand how difficult it is DAILY to live as a black man. I have been one for 35 years and counting, and know it's a struggle, even with a nice job, a small biz and a beautiful family. When you are pulled over, do you pray you get a cop that's not racist? Do you fear being let go from your job because of the color of your skin?

You and others can say it was Nagin and Blanco's fault in the grand scheme of things, but I place blame where it deserves to be placed - at Bush's feet, especially when just a few months earlier, they could fly aid halfway around the world for tsunami victims in a matter of hours and just let aid sit here while they were trying to sort through a mound of paperwork. PHAIL.

And lastly - as folks were dying at the Superdome, remember this?

In the end, it's your opinion against mine, but unless you are a black man, I would never expect you to see the way things are. I rest my case.