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mrstickball said:
noname2200 said:

You do realize I'm talking 3rd party games as a whole, and not first party games, right? there's a reason I only selected those. It's obvioust that Nintendo titles are doing rather well (except for Super Mario Galaxy which hasn't done so hot in Japan). I was only talking 3rd parties. You can throw Brawl and the like in there - but again - I'm talking 3rd parties.


Yes, you did restrict the titles selected to just third parties. But your argument did not. I quote:

"See, here's the problem: The X360, PS2 and PS3, despite their userbases, manage to sell core titles. Not as much as they used to, but despite the userbases, there have been some successes, again despite the user bases.

You have to realize something is wrong with your userbases' buying habits (the Wii's) when Metal Gear Solid 4 on PS3 can nearly outsell your top 2, 3rd party games on another system with well over twice the userbase."

You make a blanket statement that "something is wrong with userbases' buying habits" because they don't buy "core" titles, then in the same sentence you eliminate the best-selling core titles on any system. Note that before the final clause, i.e. the exclusionary clause, third-parties are not mentioned anywhere; your argument is all-encompassing, so your data should be too.

As a sidenote, you're also wrong about there being something wrong with a userbase, just because it doesn't buy the same type of titles as you. The kindest word for that is "elitism." Please stop practicing it.

I do thank you for answering one of my questions. Let me address the flaws the in your answer.

No More Heroes is a Western-oriented game made by a niche developer. None of Suda51's titles have done well in Japan, despite being on the almighty PS2. Do the titles Flower, Sun, Rain and Killer 7 ring any bells? They both tanked in Japan, just like No More Heroes did. The difference is that No More Heroes did quite well overseas, while the former titles did not...

Tales of Symphonia: DoTNW was publicly and repeatedly referred to as a spinoff game made by Namco's second-stringers. Vesperia was the game to watch, supposedly, as it was being done by Team Symphonia and actually had a budget. And yet New World outsold it handily.

Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles has two problems for your argument. First, it's a low-budget spinoff game in a genre that rarely does all that well nowadays. Second, and more sold well dude. Like, way over Capcom's expectations well. The title was only expected to sell 650k worldwide. It did almost half that in Japan alone. You may have picked a poor example with this one...Oh, and compare the sales of this game with Time Crisis 4, if you please.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but Dragon Quest spinoffs on the DS have sold over 1 million copies...

Cheerfully! You're wrong. Dragon Quest Monsters sold over a million, but Rocket Slime was outsold by Swords. This in spite of the fact that gaming in Japan has transferred to the handhelds, and that Swords costs way more. I'd also like to point out the glaringly obvious: Dragon Quest Swords comes from a spinoff series that began on the PS2, Kenshin Dragon Quest. I believe it was outsold by Swords...

Mr. Stickball said:

I'm not going to argue the Wii hasn't seen as much 3rd party development as the Playstation 3. But why is it that Konami keeps putting out mainline titles like Pro Baseball Spirits and other big baseball titles, and sells well below the PS2 versions? What about the fact that Pro Evolution Soccer sold 3 times as many copies on the PS3 as the Wii? Go look at the Apple to Apple comparisons: The Playstation 3 won quite a few of them if I'm not mistaken.

...Again, I'd like someone here to explain how a system that has 7 million consoles sold manages to put out a very popular sports game like Pro Evolution Soccer 2008, and gets outsold by a system that has under 1/2 the hardware units available.

Apples to apples it is, then. For PES, recall that the Wii version was released six months after all the other versions, when the soccer season was winding down. There's a reason why sports sim games are released at the start of the season, you know. Or do you reckon fans should double-dip on a 1:1 basis?

As for Power Pro, I concede that some games don't seem to fare as well on the Wii as they do on the PS2, although for some games that trend is reversed (see Dragon Quest Swords for one example). Mind you, the PS2 is still very much alive in Japan (its sales are above the PS3's this week, and PS2 games continue to routinely chart in the Top Ten. Don't count the little black box out yet...). Of course, PS2 games are still outselling HD console games in Japan too, so don't start crowing just yet, my friend. And curiously enough, Japanese developers are shifting more and more to the Wii, rather than to the PS3. Why might that be?

Edit: Holy crap, that took a while. Need to start typing quicker.