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Reviews (And there's a lot of them)

- LittleBigPlanet [10]
- Fable II [9] - "Fable II is Lionhead's greatest achievment to date, with a coherent, onward-rushing adventure story that ranks with the best the medium can offer."
- Far Cry 2 [8]
- Dead Space [8]
- Rock Band 2 [9]
- Midnight Club: Los Angeles [7]
- Motorstorm: Pacific Rift [7]
- Lego Batman [4]
- Fracture [4]
- Saints Row 2 [5]
- Wipeout HD [8]
- Baja : Edge of Control [5]
- Mega Man 9 [6]
- Captain Rainbow [7]
- Flower, Sun and Rain [4]
- Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood [6]
- Disgaea 3 [8]
- Tales of Vesperia [8]
- Legendary [4]
- World of Goo [8]
- Trackmania DS [8]
- Line Rider 2 [5]


What can I say? SR2 pwnd, Fracture pwnd, good games got great reviews. Fable 2 at a 9 from Edge is beyond expectations, and so is LBP with a 10(considering the 9 from Eurogamer).

The great games that I've bolded have gotten some surprisingly and plesantly high marks. They are all games I've touted as being exceptions, as well, so Edge has done me proud. This issue.

Dead Space and FarCry 2 at 8's are great reviews as well, though FarCry 2 might be a little low, compared to what I was expecting(AAA universal). Fallout 3 was, unfortunately, not reviewed.


This is probably old, but it was posted on Gaf this morning, so it's not old, but maybe a duplicate topic...

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.