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xman said:
blackstar said:
xman said:
Sony definitely is not doing great they have lost billions on the PS3, but your post is mostly correct. They do need to ignore the Xbox and focus on there strategy. There sales numbers are pretty stong when looked at the $400.00 price tag.

They are making money on each console so dropping the price is not a valid option until they come up with a new chipset that offsets the price drop with a manufacturing cost drop. People keep saying MS dosent care about profits they do the jasper chipset just came out for them allowing the latest price drop.

Sony sales are going well but the trade off, of keeping the price point the same is the 360 will widen the gap. There are trade offs to every strategy and at this time its one sony is willing to take profit for marketshare. I hope sony learned a valubale lesson this generation. One DO NOT come out with a console at $600.00 price point

i think we can logically say that the gap won't matter if it's 5 to 8 millions

3rd party developers will still release the games for both consoles because they are selling well

I agree with that which is why they are sticking with the stratergy of profit over market share and to be honest I think 8-10 million behind and they still wouldnt lose 3rd support either.  I think both Sony and MS will both have support this gen fo the life of there consoles


this is a fact , ps3 and 360 are helping each other :)