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I thought it was a decent list overall, but no way in hell did it represent the absolute best 10 game themes ever.

Nothing from F-Zero, Chrono Trigger (although they did include Secret of Mana which is just as good i suppose), the choice for DKC was horrible (no Bramble or Aquatic theme?!? WTF??) And... no Castlevania... seriously, WTF?!? Simon's and Richter's themes are all time classics and some of the best pieces of game music ever!

It was nice of them to throw in some more obscure stuff like the moon theme from Duck Tales, but if you're gonna start going into obscure, niche titles like that, then it was absolutely criminal of them to overlook the Ys series. That series still to this day has some of the most kick-ass music ever and has been redone and remixed countless times! Check out my game music playlist from on my sig to see for yourself some of the themes I'm talking about!

On 2/24/13, MB1025 said:
You know I was always wondering why no one ever used the dollar sign for $ony, but then I realized they have no money so it would be pointless.