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akuma587 said:
tokilamockingbrd said:
Final-Fan said:
tokilamockingbrd said:
I wish the left would not resort to charater assination at all times. This guy is not a politician, his personal life needs to be left alone.
You wish the LEFT wouldn't resort to character assassination all the time?  Did you sleep through the 2004 campaign?  Are you sleeping through THIS campaign?
Clarence Thomas(the worst ever imo), Robert Bork, Sarah Palin, Newt Ginrich, George Bush.... Joe the Plummer... Yes it does go both ways. So it does not bother me too much. Joe Whateverhisnameis is not a politician, they should leave him alone. If the left starts building hate for this guy he is not gonna have 50 body guards like politicians do... at best he will get a cop car parked out front of his house...

The only person on the left I have seen attempts against his charater this election cycle is Barack himself. I do not like it, it incites wackos, and indangers the person being demonized. The person I feel has been attacked the worse this election is SP... it is really redic... It is mainly coming from hollywood, but it is truly sad.

04 was bad both ways, I really did not like what Swiftboat did to John Kerry.

But as I stated above, Clarence Thomas was the worst... ever. They had people actually LIE to try and make him look like a criminal. I was young at the time, and even then I could see through it.

Basically, I should have said both sides do it, the left just does it more. (both are just as at fault)
Fuck Joe the Plumber.  That guy seems like a total douche bag, and I would kick him in the balls the first chance I got.

And get your character assassination accusations out of here if you are just going to ignore everything the GOP does.  What has McCain been trying to do to Obama this entire campaign (although McCain is only responsible for some of it, the GOP at large is responsible for more of it)?  And where do you think the term Swift Boat politics came from?

Hell, Karl Rove even assassinated another Republican's character (McCain), in 2000.

Don't make accusations if those accusations could just as easily be directed at the other party.

I see tokilamockingbrd got to it first, but I have to say this: 

I disagree with him, but COME ON.  He even MENTIONED the Swift boat stuff in his post -- what the hell more do you want?

But since I DO disagree:  the fact that you had to go all the way back to Bork just proves how wrong you are.  Not all Republicans but many have made a fucking ART out of character assassination in the past decade.  If I recall correctly they managed to make a Senator named Max Cleland, a triple amputee Vietnam vet (where he lost the limbs), lose an election by questioning his patriotism!  (2002)

Not all Republicans are participating in this -- until this election I would never have suspected it of John McCain, who called the above campaign "reprehensible". 

We all lived through the late '90s, right?  Clinton may have been fooling around, but MY GOD.  Impeachment?  Seriously.  Ken Starr, need I say more? 

You say that "04 was bad both ways".  What did Democrats do that was even REMOTELY comparable to the crap that got pulled on Kerry?  You may have something truly appalling, I don't pretend I'm an expert here.  The ony attacks I recall were stuff that turned out to be true or worse -- Iraq (runup to, abuse of prisoners in), Guantanamo/etc., warrantless wiretapping etc. (no, wait, that news got DELAYED until after the election!), and so on. 

"Both sides do it, but the right does it way more."  <-- fixed

Tag (courtesy of fkusumot): "Please feel free -- nay, I encourage you -- to offer rebuttal."
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"Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts." - Sen. Pat Moynihan
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I have the most epic death scene ever in VGChartz Mafia.  Thanks WordsofWisdom!