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DOATS1 said:
mrstickball said:
It's unlikely that a X360 port of MGS4 would suffer at all.

After all, MGS4 requires mandatory installations after each chapter - which would point to me that the game was previously broken down, and could be, for DVDs - even if it was a DVD a chapter.


what i don't get is how you came to that conslusion.

this game was built around the ps3's strengths. there would have to be sacrifices in order to work, because the 360 doesn't have all the strengths the ps3 does. i honestly think mgs4 would struggle on the 360 unless they redesign it.


DOATS1, that's a company line. The PS3 and 360 have no "strengths." They have the same graphical power. The only difference is the PS3 can store more data on 1 disc. Considering Crysis is about 6gbs installed, I think Kojima could work out how to contain some his work in under 12. No graphical hit would be taken, I'm fairly sure of that. Sound might be inaudibly compressed. The likely truth is, Kojima bloated the games size because he didn't need to go through the trouble of compressing anything, or making it run efficiently. Blu-Ray makes that unnecessary. However....every game before has used workarounds on such matters.

As for multiple discs, well MGS3 used multiple discs and most hardcore MGS players(the time run guys) consider that game as good or better than MGS4. I personally think MGS1 is better, and didn't it come on multiple discs?


Also, don't you think it's funny that MS execs are suddenly talking positively about MGS4. I would take this more as a possibility that a MGS4 multiplat is being investigated by both companies, than I would as a slight to Blu-Ray.

From now on, don't believe things Sony says to you about "The power of the cell" or "This can only be done on Playstation." That's just company hogwash. You should have know that was BS from the beginning. Molly says Fable 2 can only be done on Xbox Live. I know you couldn't possibly believe that. So, how can you beleive the other crap? Just because everybody else believes it? I've talked with you. You're better than that. Think for yourself.


This topic furthers my belief that MGS4 is being investigated for a 360 port. We'll probably know for sure within a years time if the game will or will not hit the 360.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.