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Not even any real gamers feel like mocking the MMO player? I am sad.

WAR is the best MMO I've played, I played Galaxies, FFXI, WoW, and EQ II all for at least 3 months, WoW and FFXI I played for many months.

WAR is very stable and refined for being so new. More than that though, it is fun. Optional open parties, public quests, two types Realm v Realm, equipment customization (limited custom colors), great quests and events, lively active world of war (as opposed to a world of craft w/ war), careers(classes) with character.

Tedious travel is virtually eliminated if you plan out your routes on quests, when you go with air transport you don't have to wait.

The endgame, which I haven't gotten to yet, I've heard is by far some of the best... I don't want to ruin/spoil it for anybody but it's really cool. Plus there are still the traditional instances, but they are less important because of the nature of WAR's RvR and public quests.

The achievement system works, with lots of titles and bonuses that actually mean something.

The guild system allows for lots of customization. Rules, rewards, Guild leveling, and more are all built into the system.

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.