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23 minutes in.... McCain is owning so far imo.

"Senator Obama. I am not President Bush"


27 mins.... McCain repudiated all "out-of bounds" remarks against obama? WTF?

100% of McCain's ads have been negative? WTF?

29 mins...... Joe again? WHATTHE**??? is mccain gay or something? let joe go man. he's behind you now.... 

34 mins... oooh Ayers.... nice one obama... mention Reagan. mccain looks nervous... gotta hand it to yah good move. (not being sarcastic either)

38 hmm..... obama owns there... Mccain not looking good

43 wow. major own by obama there on the VP question....

45 *facepalm* Mccain. you just said you would support funding for special needs stuff. how can you say obama is bad for doing that? (I say cut it across the board, but if you;'re not going to, don't double-deal with your opponent)

48 ok, what does the fact that we have 3-4% of the world's oil reserves have to do with the fact we use 25% of the world's oil? obama fail

54 lol mccain owned on his rebuttal to obama's response to his question. (in other words, he owned himself lol)

58 ok, seriously mccain, WHAT THE HELL is up with joe? something you want to tell us? want to "come out"?

61 Joe again? 

64 hmmm.... not a bad followup though. +1 for mccain

lol. cspan's servers are getting crushed.

68 Mccain wins on the abortion question. still, you've got to hand it to obama for the brilliance of his answer to satisfy both views.

71 mccain wins again on partial birth abortion question imho

72 *facepalm* obama. where in the US constitution does it say that you can't prohibit partial-birth abortions?

76 I haven't heard mccain's response yet, but fail on obama to keep throwing more money at the schools. It doesnt work. period. Also, just a note. I was homeschooled by my parents for all twelve grades and there's no way they spent more than $4000 total for all twelve years of my school. And yet, I passed 6 AP tests, three with 5s (the highest score possible). How many kids do you know who even took 6 AP tests, let alone pass them. And I did that for less than $350/year.

78 well, at least obama answered the question, even if he was totally wrong imo. mccain fails. obama +1

82 "washington dc vouchers - vouchers, senator obama. I'm surprised at you for not mentioning that". ooohh nice comeback mccain. /sarcasm

84 well, not as bad as I thought mccain..... you're still a douche though.

85 mccain last statement before final statement = totally astronomic failure

87 hrm not too good closing statement for mccain, but not too too bad....

89 obama much better delivery.

89 obama, how is cutting taxes on the middle class, expanding health care coverage, and "investing in our future" going to help cut government spending?

My take: either tie or razor thin Obama win.

Not trying to be a fanboy. Of course, it's hard when you own the best console eve... dang it