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Wow... I'm more excited about this game every time I see more of it. The early trailers blew me away, but these pics go even further. There's so much going on in each shot... and it looks so unique, yet still has that Mario feel. It's pretty gorgeous too.

It's adorable that Sony fans run in to try to crap on Mario with a "comparable" title offered by the PS3. Bottom line: Galaxy is looking very very good. You usually expect the new Mario game to be impressive, but the sneak peeks we're getting are going beyond what I was anticipating. This'll be interesting...

"Whenever you find a man who says he doesn't believe in a real Right and Wrong, you will find the same man going back on this a moment later."   -C.S. Lewis

"We all make choices... but in the end, our choices... make us."   -Andrew Ryan, Bioshock

Prediction: Wii passes 360 in US between July - September 2008. (Wii supply will be the issue to watch, and barring any freak incidents between now and then as well.) - 6/5/08; Wow, came true even earlier. Wii is a monster.