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Here is the direct download link for the audio.
TGS08: FFXIII Leaked Audio

You can relatively hear the dialogue (in Japanese) between the two behind the sound of the public in the background.

And many thanks to forum members kanae and Blankchocobo who have passed on the correct translation to us of the dialogue between Lightning and Mr. 33cm from this years TGS trailer.

You can now see the correct translation below.

Lightning: What about the mission?
Mr 33cm: Wait!
Lightning: Are you already going to give up on the mission and die here?
Lightning: (You... are devoid of meaning.)
Mr 33cm: I... absolutely will not give up! I... will complete the mission,
and protect Sera! I swear it.
Lightning: Show me you can protect (Sera).


BTW Mr 33cm's name is SNOW


Final Fantasy XIII Trailer - TGS 2008

The trailer opens with a black screen and the words "When I awoke in this world, my eternal sleep having ended, the future was set in motion." written on it.

The trailer opens with a shot of the prehistoric landscape seen in more recent trailers, likely Pulse. A colorful, winged lizard-like monster swoops through the sky, and the camera moves across a herd of adamantoise-like creatures to zoom in on the Pigtails girl, standing atop a cliff. It is a longer version of the scene shown at the end of the 2008 E3 trailer, at 3:09.

The trailer cuts to a sky scene with many smaller airships flying behind a gigantic, white and gold ship. The small ships are of the same type that are visible in the E3 trailer starting at 00:54 seconds, I believe. They are shown from a much closer distance. It's difficult to say whether or not the large is the same as the one previously seen flying, as the ship in this trailer is seen from the back. From the front it looked almost like a solid, round block, but in the back it has many more small parts to it. Glowing, stylized eye-like symbols, which Autumn Thread believes were projected by the large ship, appear over the smaller airships, and they fly in to the large ship.

More words: "Pulse's Farushi- It is there that we encounter our fates"

The trailer cuts to the previously seen scene of Siren rising from the water (E3 trailer 3:09)

Ifrit appears next. (E3 1:42)

The disk scene with pigtails girl follows, shown at 2:05 in the E3 trailer.

Another set of words: "Because we want to forget sad memories, we are always drawn to warm ones."

The trailer cuts to a scene with the giant crystalline object shown here. Cocoon soldiers fire many harpoon-like red cables into it, throwing up clouds of dust as the camera zooms in on the giant object and pans upwards.

The camera shifts to show a new character aboard a medium sized airship. A silver haired man, calm, mature-looking but not old (possibly 30s?), in what looks like an elaborately decorated military dress uniform. His hair is gathered in a ponytail. He wears a headset, and is surrounded by the armored soldiers who are enemies to Lightning and Mr. 33cm. They appear to be at his command. He removes his headset as he turns away from the camera.

At this point, the trailer shifts to a mix of scenes from previous trailers of Lightning fighting, most visible from 1:31 to 2:02 in the E3 trailer, although all gameplay scenes appear to have been cut out of the TGS trailer.

Shiva's transformation scene follows, and Mr. 33 rides his motorcycle as he did in the E3 trailer.

Here, another new scene. It is nighttime. There is an airship docked in the foreground, and the camera moves past it to a new long-haired female character in a military dress uniform of similar style to the new male character's. She has glasses. Farther back, there is a row of armored soldiers (more of the same type Lightning and Mr. 33 fight), lined up on either side of a pathway, and the pigtails girl follows a large, coffin-like object down the opposite side of the path toward the new character. Sera is not in her usual outfit; she is wearing a ceremonial-like, decorated white robe, with the hood up. She looks gloomy, and it is possible that her hands are restrained. It appears she has just come down a flight of stairs from a building.

In the next scene there are voices. I'm not sure about the location.

Lightning: What about the mission?
Mr 33cm: Wait!
Lightning: Are you already going to give up on the mission and die here?
Lightning: (You... are devoid of meaning.)
An image of the pigtails girl smiling and talking to Lightning flashes across the screen briefly. Pigtails girl has no voice in the scene.
Mr 33cm: I... absolutely will not give up! I... will complete the mission, and protect Sera! I swear it.
Lightning: Show me you can protect (Sera).

The trailer closes with the scene of Lightning and Mr. 33 facing off against the holy government's soldiers in the ice encased area seen here.

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey