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HappySqurriel said:
Words Of Wisdom said:

No, they really wouldn't be that similar.  Until I can mod Twilight Princess to play as Rocky the Squirrel trying to rescue Bullwinkle, they won't be similar at all.


I don't understand what you're trying to say ...

The way that a lot of PC gamers look at the HD consoles is very similar to how a lot of HD console gamers look at the Wii. Even in the context of creating levels and modding games, for the longest time a PC gamer has had the ability to take their favourite games and create brand-new gameplay modes through scripting and think that it is quaint that someone can import a model into the HD consoles to get their favourite character in game; at the same time a HD console owner will look at the level editor in a game like Boom Blox as being quaint because you're stuck with the content that EA decided to ship the game with.

That's a much better comparison than your first one as far as limited content goes.

I'd like your post more if you discarded the widesweeping generalizations though.  I'd think you could make your points equally well without trying to pass your opinions of what "a lot of PC gamers" are like off as fact.