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this topic is soooooo old, but still fun to discuss, I guess

for most of my earlier life, I was on the side of PC games, mainly because the game list is just longer in general than any one console game, and the variation of control you have with a keyboard + mouse is much greater than what you can achieve with a handheld controller.  also, some great games for PC just cannot be played on console nearly as effectively (e.g. RTS games)

on the other hand, there are some games that are just not the same on the PC than if you played on console, like old platformers such as the Super Mario games.  generally, console games have a more "comfort" feel to them, cuz there are times I'd rather sit down on a couch and play some xbox live rather than go to my PC and sit at an uncomfortable desk (I need to upgrade my setup)

so generally, I consider PC to be the overall superior gaming platform for a multitude of reasons.

1. You can pretty much do a whole lot more with it than console (game selection, control functions, mods)

2. Graphics are potentially better (plus, you can adjust resolutions more freely)

3. More flexibility with hard drive space

4. You're not limited to factory specs, you can always upgrade your computer

5. There is almost never an issue of backwards compatibility