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I agree, I would love to see a directors cut of the game.

On the Nintendo Voice chat on IGN they had a question if the Metroid Prime Wiimakes were the reason their top 3 guys left to go do their own thing, and said it was a strong possibility. If that's true and the Wiimakes then started development back when Mario Kart came out then it would seriously be plausible for a directors cut of MP1/2, I mean they already HAD a mock up of MP2 with Wii controls at E3 to demo how MP3 would play, I mean it's not that much to add the controls, so what are they doing with the rest of that time? And the fact if they already had the controls done on MP2 then that game is already done lol

MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"

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