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consoles are easy to use/setup - they're relaxing in that you sit in a nice big comy couch in front of a big TV, and the PS3/360 in particular have opened up online/collaboration in the living room. They're also cheaper to buy.


Factually, a PC can do everything better than a console that a console can do - no exceptions technically when it comes to games, controllers, etc.

But a PC has three main drawbacks which is why people prefer consoles (and people like me are increasingly switching to consoles):

1) due to design/habit most people don't stick a large gaming PC under their TV and don't seem to consider this a viable option

2) PCs are seen as expensive and do still cost more (although not as much as you might think if you build your own)

3) PCs are associated with working/home office, etc.

4) PCs are technically daunting vs take it out box, plug it into TV, switch on and off you go

My thoughts as they say.






You can't argue with this.

PS: (And there's no need to call people stupid as some PC gamers do when discussing this topic)