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I prefer consoles because PC gaming (keyboard + mouse) is not my thing personally. Also the hacking and all those stupid tools to help people cheat puts me off (although I noticed an increasing in glitch-bitches on CoD4 PS3 recently).

Also, considering that the last 2 pillars of PC gaming that haven't been entirely conquered by consoles (RTS and MMORPG's, yes there are RTS's and MMORPG on consoles, but they are pretty much all crap). I have no interest in.

I know you can get a 360 controller for windows, but even using my six-axis on my PC (it can be done on vista) I prefer playing on the 46inch LCD TV as opposed 17inch LCD Monitor

Also, I know that for X amount of years my console will be able to play all new games coming out, I can't necessarily say that for PC's.