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If you know enough about computers and money is not an issue, you can build, right now, a more powerful machine than any existing console. I think that is a fact. You can put it in your living room, you can use wireless controllers, hi def tv, and so on. I think that is a fact, too.


I suck at building computers, configuration, mantainance. I hate them. To me, it's way too complicated. I also kind of have the feeling that computers hate me. I have no patience. And I don't have that kind of money either...

That's why I love consoles. They are so easy. You never ask yourself "Would my console meet the minimun requirements to run this game?".

About the kind of games... The FPS are everywhere now, and the discussion about the mouse or controller is just a matter of habit. If your a social individual, maybe you will like the consoles too. But if you are really into mmorpg's and prefer "virtual" social contact, maybe a PC is better in that case. (Final Fantasy XI was a mmorpg's, right? Was it any good? Because I understand it was a ps2 game to play online, but I don't know if it can be compared with WoW, for example). I haven't seen anything really goon in consoles in the case of RTS, but I don't think it's due to the machine, it's just a matter of the nature of the market, you know, demographics and also the habit of the mouse. The Wii remote could do that very well, but I am not sure about the graphics.

As my signature says I love PC games, but I hate computers. People who feel secure enough about their knowledge of PC gaming will tell you that is better and not always more expensive. But if I had plenty of money, I would just hire someone to do it for me, so I can just play games.