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First off.. Who should buy a 360?

Someone who is looking for a new console, that is tired of having his/her mom or sister kick them off the Wii to play Mario, and that owns or plans on purchasing a HD TV in the near future.

This person is someone who is looking for a console with A/V, VGA, and/or HDMI connections, looking for RPG's, JRPG's, Racing Sims, Flight Sims, FPS, Adventure/Action. Someone looking for a reliable console with excellent customer service in case of problems, who prefers to play in cheat/hacker free environment, and possibly looking for an affordable console that gives you options to upgrade when ever you can.

If you partially fit this profile then read on.. everyone else can bugger off.. PS3 fanboys can go fold or something

Why now??

Three reasons 

#1 New 360 are rolling unto shelves has I type.. these new 360's have a sticker on them that states they now include HDMI connections. These new models are the Falcon models, they include a quieter drive and have the 65 nm chip. The RRoD should be fixed, Microsoft has been testing out this model since January, and the unit must be working to spec since they're releasing it. ( I think they finally figured out that they need to quality test their products before selling them. Way to go MS... you finally learned something about producing hardware!!)

Make sure if you buy a 360 that it has the HDMI sticker on it!! HDMI = Falcon = Reliable = Quieter Drive

#2 Games, Games, Games... it doesn't matter what type of games you prefer, the 360 has every category covered. It's been stated multiple times that the 360 Holiday lineup is the strongest in video game history. It's online service is good (could be better!!), and the fact that it regularly bans people who cheat is awesome (I absolutly hate cheaters), gone are the days of aimbots!! 

#3 Recent Price Drop - Their will be more price drops in the future... more then likely in a year. So you could deprieve yourself of a year of gaming and wait till it drops another $50 or you could join the fun this holiday.

Proud Member of GAIBoWS (Gamers Against Irrational Bans of Weezy & Squilliam)