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Me said:
BengaBenga said:
Ehm try Lost Odyssee, Vesperia or Oblivion. I know the first 2 are more traditional RPG's, but definitely worth trying.

Personlly I found Fable 1 to be a letdown and from what I've heard 2 won't be without its flaws.

Don't know about Disaster, I'll probably buy it and maybe review it for the site.


See i have a stigam where a RPG is mentioned I switch off - tried KOTOR ages ago on the xbox and hated it due to it's turn based fighting.  Is LO like this?



Yes, LO is turn based. Vesperia is real time (however still in seperate battle screens). I understand your concerns, but the (imo) deepest games (both story and gameplay) are often traditional (S & J)RPG's. But if KOTOR is not your thing, you might not want to take the risk.

As far as story goes, I can already tell you that LO, BD and ToV will destroy Fable 2, cause that's more based on the "gimmicky" choose who you become system (which you can probably tell I don't like).