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See sig for end 2008 prediction.

End 2009:
Wii: 70 million
PS3: 35 million
360: 35 million

End gen:
Wii: 140 million
PS3: 55 million
360: 50 million

Note to everyone that thinks the PS3 has even the slightest chance of coming close to Wii:

At the end of 2008 (after only 2 years) Wii will be ahead by some 20 million, without a single pricecut. We can consider the PS3 to be around its highest selling year in 2009, but so is Wii. Unless you think a scenario where PS3 will suddenly sell in Wii-like numbers (higher than PS2 ever did) to be feasible, in combination with a sudden drop in Wii sales, Wii will be ahead by 30 million or more end 2009.

People don't see, or don't want to see, the historic levels at which the Wii is selling. PS3 will never sell better than PS2 did, but it needs to, to even come close to Wii's sales levels.

The PS3-10-year-plan is a myth. The install base and cost of development alone will cause that in a few years no major games will be developed for PS3 anymore, when the next-gen starts. Not only that, Sony will have to develop games for their next system in order to compete with Microsoft, who will for sure launch somewhere near 2011. The next xbox will be massively more powerfull than PS3 and if Sony doesn't answer they run the risk of being overwhelmed by Microsoft again.