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TRios_Zen said:
Munkeh111 said:
mrstickball said:
Munkeh111 said:
@ mrstickball, Halo 3 and Gears are very different games, whereas CoD 4 and GeoW will have decreased the amount of hardware that it is going to move

Of course. It's the law of diminishing returns - The same reason FFXII moved less hardware in Japan than FFVIII, VII, or IX did.

But having said that, it's still going to move a ton of hardware, since it's going to be a game that will draw in new X360 owners since it's exclusive - Unlike CoD4.


Well I just think that any FPS fan is going to have been moved the 360 by either Gears, CoD 2, Halo 3 or any of the others like Bioshock, the Orange Box. I know many of those arent exclusives but when the console is notorious for FPSs and its controller is best for FPSs, no FPS man (apart from PC fanboys) are not going to get an Xbox, which is why I think that Fable II will provide a larger boost


Not necessarily disagreeing with you, but if anticipated games, in established genres wont drive hardware, what will?


Price cuts and more unique games. I still think that GeoW 2 looks pretty similar to GeoW for most people, though I do appriechiate that they are adding a lot