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DMeisterJ said:
Well this is the third game facing this fate:


Madden NFL 09

Fifa 09 (Even selling less than the PSP Version, ZOMG)

We can call it complaining from 'butthurt fanboys', but that would be false. These are actual numbers, so I like to call that facts. And people can't handle the facts that the Wii won't have the best selling version of every multi-platform game, in spite of the fact of the (admittedly) huge install base.

People need to get over the fact that there are going to be games that sell better on the HD platforms.

Maybe the PS360 aren't as bad as people make it out to be, seeing it can best the Wii version of games in sales despite a smaller install base.

And LOL @ people downplaying the Wii version of SW TFU. It is hilarious! Everyone was talking about pre-launch how the Wii version would win because of 'da legz', and the same was said about Madden NFL 09. Now it's time to damage control, because it didn't happen like that.



Ignorance is not a virtue so why do most continue to spread it like the plague.  I think anyone who knew a damn thing about sales would know how little userbase has to do with anything.  Trends suggest first week and sometimes month really depends on core gamers.  More than likely the core gaming crowd will buy the PS3 or 360 version over that of the Wii version.  However in the long run the Wii version almost always seems to sell more in the long run thx to the persistent mainstream buying base.  It is not guaranteed to outsell the other version but it will mean that games like Madden 09, SW:TFU, and FIFA 09 down the line will continously be getting sales.  Just look at the previous versions of some of those games if you really need proof. 

This is not to say that the Wii doesn't have a core buying base its just usually those core base goes for the more high end version and more than likely own a Wii and another console.  However we know there is a large core buying base because games like SMG, Zelda: TP, and SSBB have opened with some large numbers.  

But more than likely the Wii version will sell its bulk over time while the 360 and PS3 versions will sell their bulk in the first couple of months.  Even more than likely Wii version may never catch up to the other versions simply because their are new iterations every year.  Just doesn't have enough time at the pace it goes sometimes.  And sometimes just may never catch up because the userbases in that certain region aren't far enough away such as America whjen it comes to 360 and Wii where the mainstream userbase will keep both going for a long time and still have about similar sales.  The only point we need to understand though is that Wii versions will sell well just over time while so should the PS3 and 360 but for totally different reasons and what sales better will always be an anomaly.

Anyong trying to say oh because of this userbase or of this userbase or that this game is better quality as the reasoning as to what will sell better clearly is ignorant to the situation.


Now I know how you love to do your damage control and put all the idiots before hand down but your reasoning is stupid because you don't know why this is happening.  Meaning why do damage control if you can't explain anything.  Your just as laughable as those that made those wild claims before hand.  Now run along.