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Lately, this site has become a lot better thanks to Nordlead, Talon Man and such improving the site.

I regularily find some things that I feel lacking on the site, that couldn't be too hard to add (or so I think).

But I forget most of those, and nothing is ever done with it (logically enough).

I can't believe that other people don't find things like these, and after Halogamer's two threads, I believe it could be an idea to make a thread for this.


So, my ideas anyway.


A "total sales" at the bottom of the games database. Like the one on the million sellers. This would be great, as it would mean we could see the total sales of for instance Fire Emblem (bad example), without having to add up all the sales. This couldn't be very difficult, as we already have it on million sellers.

A more fleshed out way to compare games. A software table, somewhat close to the hardware table. You can compare Wii Fit sales to Mario Kart Wii sales since MKWii's launch and such far, far easier than as it is now.

Publisher sales over time. We can see how much publishers sell weekly, so why can't we have a graph (or something ala the hardware table), to see how much they sold in January 07 compared to January 08.

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS