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Sales Discussion - others UP - View Post

Sardauk said:
libellule said:
Sardauk said:

Speculation over incomplete figures = fuel for Sony fanboys.

Anyhow, this won't help sony to catch up the huge remaining gap.

I'm still convinced that people buy the PS3 as a blueray players, not as a gaming plateform.


1/ we are talking about PAL chartz and PAL chartz is complete. 2/ the PAL gap is collasping as very soon the PS3 will be head like it is in europe alone 3/ since most multiplateform games sell better on PS3 that on Xbox360 taking in count the different userbase it is easy to see PS3 owners buy games.


Games sell better on the PS3... you are right... but in wich dimension exactly ?

Sorry to walk on your parade guys, but all I see is still a huge gap in the total figures.

In the European PAL dimension. See Fifa 09 PS3 vs Fifa 09 360 numbers.