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Wall of text, pwn!:

Mindlessly judging, ridiculing, and generalizing people because they have a different opinion is one of the most ignorant things about that video. You know, like in Madskillz post. Full of generalization.

/sarcasm on: Nobody with integrity would be caught dead at a McCain rally, right? Generalizing half the country because of anecdotal experience...that's not ignorant. Everyone should generalize a race or gender based on anecdotal experience. madskillz thinks it's great.

I wouldn't go to any political rally. I also wouldn't name-drop in an attempt to garner recognition on a videogame website.

As for the points in the "poorly edited out of context video designed to make republicans and traditionalists look stupid," I'll say this:

Not all Americans are stupid. I'm smarter than 90 percent of the people on this forum by my judgement, and guessed it. Arrogant? Quite. True? Refute it.

In fact, I've met quite a few ignorant jackasses from all countries, on this forum. Should I judge their entire populations by a few bad eggs? Should I judge an entire political party, because I'm in the opposing version? Should I laugh at others expense because I'm bitter. I admit, I do it all the time. I'm doing it right now.

A few points:

- ACORN is currently under investigation by....someone....for allegations of voter fraud, according to current information.
- Obama was barely involved with them.
- Bill Ayres is an American terrorist. Period. Marginalizing his terrorism is ignorant and blasphemous.(/sarcasm on: Every hippie should start bombing statues dedicated to dead policemen, and having their cronies blow themselves up making bombs for them. That's not terrorism! Chalk that up to the vigor of youth. Unrepentant? Who cares. Crazy kids. Let's all go hang out with him. That's the best idea! /sarcasm off)
- Obama used him as a public relations resource(terrorists are quite famous, even aging ones) and worked with him on education reform in the state of Illinois.
- Yeesh! Obama isn't a Muslim. You forget reverend Wright? Religion, and all action, is based upon what you do, not what you think. If Obama attended a christian church, he's a christian for all intents and purposes. What, you think he's secretly preying to Allah?
- As a man, Zenfoldor only cares about men's rights(97 percent of black people vote for Obama, 97 percent of Zenfoldor votes for Zenfoldor).

Those points were made in the video, by people(except the last one, it was fun, and I lol'd. You cried!), most of whom were ignorant of those facts I mentioned, but all of whom had trouble expressing themselves. /sarcasm on: I'm sure the "hour or so" long video was compressed into a couple of minutes in order to make the GOP look good.

So, ladies and gentlemen, my turn. I'd be glad to count myself a member of the ignorant public, if it would only allow me to say what was on my mind, and so the opportunity has presented itself. Allow me to generalize(the most ignorant thing, remember?) a little bit for you all, and see if I can get it right. /generalization go:

The truth is, everyone is ignorant. 90 percent of the voting public don't even know what any issue is, besides being able to quote you a vague subject like "abortion," or "national security." If Obama wins this election, it'll be because he's attractive, and a great public speaker. If he loses, it'll be because he's black and/or McCain is a war hero. Very few people know any truth about anything in this world, on both sides of the political isles, and in all countries. If you see fit to set back and judge others from a high-horse with generalities and without proper information, you can probably count yourself in the yellow area of that "90 percent ignorant" pac-man graph.


I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.