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RolStoppable said:
Magnific0 said:

@soriku... mmm yeah, plenty of success to go around for the nihon-jin, sure. Let's take a look at the best sellers this and last week...


5. Sonic Chronicles (Sega, DS)

17. Harvest moon Tree of Tranquility (Natsume, Wii)

36. Disgaea DS (Nippon Ichi Software, DS)



12. Family Trainer (Namco Bandai, Wii)

28. Big Beach Sports (THQ, Wii)



10. World Destruction: Michibi Kareshi Ishi DS (Sega)

12. Dragon Ball DS (Namco Bandai)

^*And of course there's plenty more in Japan from japanese developers, but if you look at it the only ones really making money are Namco and Square.


Do I have to make it any clearer for you kid?

You are a brave man. Trying to support your argument with a single week of sales and then ending the post with an arrogant line.

But think about this: If 3rd parties wouldn't make money on Nintendo systems, they would decrease support for it. What we see though, is that the number of games announced for DS and Wii is increasing while 360/PS3 and PSP announcements are decreasing. So if 3rd parties don't make money on Nintendo systems, then why are they giving them better support than in previous years? Explain that.

DS ok true,  but the Wii didn't had much good 3d party support in the first place.  I don't know about X360 and PS3 but they have like a 50 good 3d party games this year (not counting 3d party exclusives) it is really hard to choose witch game to get next three months on the systems I would be surprised if they even would have more next year!  And I thought PSP got a lot more announced PSP 3d party games this year than last year (thx to Japan).